Home Industry News April issue now available to read online

April issue now available to read online

April issue now available to read online

The April issue of ETO is now available to read online. We learn about the benefits of national newspaper advertising from Hot Octopuss COO Julia Margo, hear how stimulating lockdown has been for the manufacturers of e-stimulating equipment, look into a clinical study that reveals masturbation is good for you, attend the launch of Shush Life, and our Mystery Shopping goes looking for sexual essentials in Piccadilly Circus – where it really wasn’t like Piccadilly Circus.

Our business correspondent explains how to avoid credit card chargebacks and the implications of initiating a ‘no jab, no job’ policy and our fabulous contributors include Colleen Godin, Violet Fenn, Renee Denyer, Tim Richardson, and Topher Taylor.

The April issue of ETO can be read online now by clicking here.