Home Archive Cannabis-based enhancement spray goes viral on consumer entertainment websites

Cannabis-based enhancement spray goes viral on consumer entertainment websites

Cannabis-based enhancement spray goes viral on consumer entertainment websites

Coverage for Foria, a new therapeutic oil designed to enhance female pleasure, has been gathering a lot of momentum on social networks and entertainment websites recently. The main reason for this attention is the controversial nature of its active ingredient – THC, the mind-altering chemical in cannabis. The product is made with all natural liquid coconut oil (MCT) and purified medical-grade cannabis oil and is designed for topical and internal use.

Its makers – the women’s sexual health collective, Aphrodite Group – claim Foria is the first medical marijuana product designed specifically for use on the vulva and vagina for sensual enhancement, and the first that is edible.

The sad news is that Foria is currently only available in California, with a physician’s statement and recommendation letter for the use of medical marijuana. Expansion to Colorado and Washington is planned by this autumn.

It is recommended that Foria should be applied as a pre-lube 30-60 minutes before engaging in sexual activity and before any signs of arousal in the body to allow for absorption.

While the makers state that every batch of Foria is lab tested and that it is free from pesticides and residual solvents, Fornia is not compatible with latex condoms due to its oil content.

A FAQ page is available ‘here‘ for more information about Foria.