Home Industry News Animal magic: Dreamgirl combines lingerie with animal print patterns

Animal magic: Dreamgirl combines lingerie with animal print patterns

Animal magic: Dreamgirl combines lingerie with animal print patterns

Those wishing to extend their love of animal print to their lingerie will be delighted to learn that they will be able to choose from a number of options in the new Dreamgirl 2020 collection.

Dreamgirl’s UK distributor New Temptation said: “Animal print has always been a trend but when you incorporate sexy lingerie with animal print, you get a look that can dominate any room—or bedroom, in this case. Animal print continues to reign in the fashion world, offering a sense of power and an elevated status of wealth and luxury. Our new Dreamgirl 2020 collection offers a variety of options at all price points and fabrications that will make you feel bold, powerful and sexy all year-round.”

Contact New Temptations to receive a copy of the new Dreamgirl 2020 catalogue.

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